Susan Moger is phenomenal author for whom I had the pleasure of updating her website. Susan's author page already had the bones of a good site. I tweaked the theme (and tweaked again after some feedback), as well as filled out the framework. We added a subscription pop-up (always collecting emails), updated her contact me page, and added some recent blog posts. In the next few months, we plan to add her writing and editing services to the site as well.
Susan is a teacher and is working on a new book, but she still wanted to market her old books as well. We decided to create a newsletter, in addition to her blog, to further her reach to a new audience for her existing books, while she finishes her next. She wanted her novel, Of Better Blood, to be front and center, with a beautiful button to entice new purchasers.
In anticipation of her inaugural newsletter, "Counting on Words," we added a full blog to explain the meaning of the title. Make sure to check it out! Not only is it an inspiring story, but it encourages readers to click through to your website.